Posts Tagged ‘love’


About. Samurai’s Jurney


Are you ready for love? Are you ready to give all? “To have, you must Give”. Giving a little is not adequate. To have “it” all you must give your All. The confusion we have is that by giving all we are vulnerable to pain or we think by giving we are losing something. The ego hates to loose and will not chance loosing. Starting a realtionship from this fear position challenges its future viability. Seldom do we throw caution to the wind. Seldom do we love with wreckless abandon. Seldom do we surrender to a realtionship and become completelty vulnerable. Seldom do we Love. We condition and we expect, seldom does this evolve into the Love of your Life. Love is an afterthought in so many relationships. The word, love, is so overused that the concept of love is diminshed to an idea of love. The idea, very often, is what motivates relationships. Our experiences of love from childhood to maturity are colored by the lack of love more than the unconditional love we seek or anticipate. Our ideas of love are very different from the love we have or do experience. We, therefore, are repeatedly disappointed and heart broken when love is not what we “expected”.

We all strive to be accepted and, in some subconscious way, we are continuously manifesting our need to be loved in behaviorial ways which camouflage our underlying need for love. This is not a psychological need. It is a profound Spititual need to be reunited with the Source of All that is, but when we come to the edge of the abyss, we fail to “jump”. We FEAR!

How can we overcome this fear? Letting Go! This says we have to subordinate our egocentric  conditions and perceptions to a higher goal. Ego is nothing more than a fearful thought. Take away the ego and love blossoms. Perfect love overcomes fear.

Allowing others “to be” is also a requirement for love. This Allowing is a result of a deep understanding and connection with Spiritual laws. So our search fo love comes from a search for the Self. The self in this context is the Kingdom of God. There is a scripture which says, first find the Kingdom and all else will be given unto you. Since the Kingdom is within, there is no other place to find Love than through an inner journey. Love is there and always has been. The Ego has shrouded the Kingdom and the love thoughout your life. Are You Ready? You always have been ready, just not willing. Decide to open your heart to All and you will have All.

This is a choice and it is your choice. An exercise in Freewill. Decide and it will be given you. is my choice and my exercise of freewill. is your choice and exercise of your freewill.


Anyone who has loved and lost knows the pain and disappointment of a failed relationship. There are numerous methods and techniques which have been put forth which tell us how to deal with infidelity, loss of interest, falling out of love and the like. The psychology of love and the loss of love points to childhood trauma or other hidden subconscious reasons. Scientists have discovered that there are neuro-peptides which activate the “high” of love and inform the mind and the body of the intense pleasure of love. We, literally, become addicted to love. This explains why the rebound relationship or the relationship which begins befor the other relationship is concluded. We just have to have the next “fix”.

The love which this pertains to is romantic infatuation. Yes, the pain of losing this infatuation is unbearable at times, but is it the loss  the “high” that is missed? When you couple this with the ego’s humiliation, you have a picture of emotional trauma which may take years to get over. Aside from the phychologicalwithdrawal, there is the chemical withdrawal from the peptides, the habituated patterns, and the realization how vulnerable you are and have become.

A question we need to ask is why did we fall in love with this one “special” person to begin with. Those who I have spoken with indicate many reasons, but the reasons all stem from a perception of reality which was incomplete. Materialistic conditions to physical attractiveness were pointed as reasons. As I looked deeper, I found much of the requirements for love fell into the category of ego, in as much, the reasons were supported by how we thought we would be viewed/accepted in relation to who we thought we were and what we thought others thought we were. This is, without question, an egocentric expectation for loving. It is these same delusions which cause so much emotional and physical pain during the relationship and when we have a break-up. I say break-up because there never was love to lose. It was an egocentric bargin between two people which appears to border on drug addiction, based on the scientific discoveries.

Is this the case in all love affaris? Of course not. There are loves that transcend all worldly issues. These love affairs are almost always the love affairs of people like Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Martin Luther King or Rumi. The Love affairs which are deeply committed and lasting are always between  people who have surrendered themselves to the relationship and needs of others and sublimated their selfish concerns to a point of complete vulnerability. I would suggest, that these people are advanced on the Spiritual Path and have learned the lesson of Loving. Ultimately, the lesson was learned so to be able to completely lose the small self. This is a preparation for the finale of Love. To Love your God with all your heart and to love your neighbhor as you love your self.

So the lesson to Love is wrapped in the romantic aspirations we seek, but this is, in fact, a prelude to the Love of the Divine which will surpass all understanding. is an infatuation of mine as well as  


I have arrived on the shores of transcendental wisdom but all the river craft have man made leaks which challenge the successful journey to the Other shore.

Perplexed, I   remain locked in time and space where the demons of the ego’s army sounds the battle cry in the distance behind me.

With the sword of   Grace I stand at the river’s edge in preparation for the final battle.

Today, Alone.

My pleas for Spiritual Warriors echoes across the valleys of materialist’s territory but the  cacaphony of “getting” drowns out the call for rescue.


I stand.

The sword of faith sings a song of Glory which fills my mind and no-one else can hear.

The battle is mine. No other knights are coming. No other warriors stand by my side.

The hoof beats of the ego’s apocalyptic horseman thunder towards me.

With only the shield of truth and understanding, Love becomes my Supreme weapon.

Just as the conquering hoards approach, a Light shines through the black dark night. Rainbows of hope form on the water’s surface as diamond stepping stones rise up to meet my steps upon the path of the river’s crossing.

Truth delivers the winning blow and ego’s surrender is eminent. Joy blocks any further approach of ego’s army.


My tears become prayers to the Most High, with gratitude and Love.  My heart opens, swallowing the pain of the World. There the pain will remain until we all make the crossing.

What is your “SELF” worth?

I have found that most, if not all, of the behaviors we find objectionable and contentious are a fundamental result of self worth. “I am not worthy” seems to be the underlying cause for many of the decisions we make from an egoic point of view. I believe our sense of inadequacy is the concept which governs and controls the world of illusions we participate in. This is an egoic concept and it is also the determinate factor which opens us to the significant relationships throughout our lives. What we strive to find in others is primarily what we feel we are lacking in ourselves. This is the basis of love, as established by the ego, for the majority of the relationships between “lovers” and friends. This is the beginning of the end in all relationships based on getting something rather than giving something. This again, is the ego trying to bargin with love as a commercial enterprise. The idea of “surrender” in a relationship is a totally foreign concept and one which would take away the power of the ego’s bargining position. If you believe that love is asking for anything, then you are making a huge mistake and engaging in the ego’s plan.

Relationships based on the premise that they somehow are unique or exceptional will eventually become more destructive and egocentric as the external approval and external love becomes disappointing and fraught with battles over who is more right or gives more, etc.

Christ said the “Kingdom of God is within”. This, too, is where Love is. Love based on external factors or egoic bargins is merely infatuation or carnal passion. This type of love seldom survives the tribulations and complications of life.

Beginning a realtionship with ego apprehension of worthiness or of getting something which is perceceived to be missing in One’s self can only result in suffering and disillusionment.

We hear the statement, ‘To be happy you must love your “self”. This is to say you must value your self. The mystery is which self is of value. The ego would convince you that it has supreme value, but “you” are not the ego! The feeling or idea that this is your real identity is the illusion which is perpetuated by an ego, desperate to preserve its existence.

The ego will go to any limit to present itself as something better than what it perceives as a weakness or deficiency. VULNERABILITY OF ANY KIND STRIKES FEAR INTO THE EGO. This is the reason the ego can never love, for love is the allowing of one’s self to be totally vulnerable. Fear and love cannot exist at the same time. Where there is fear, there is no love, but rather, a compromise of conditioned perceptions and beliefs. These conditioned perceptions tell us that if we do this or that, then the other person will love us and we will get love in return. This, again, is the bargining agreement that the ego uses to justify the love in the relationship.

Love does not bargin or demand. Love gives without conditions of ideas of reciprocal acts. It is only when we discover the true worth of the true Self that we are capable to trust enough to surrender and to love.  

At this time, I must bargin with blogsurfer. This bargin comes in the form of me including their URL in my blog. You may visit my web site at as well. Thanks for taking your time to read my blog.