The vast majority of us have egos which establish our place in the World. This ranges from overcompensation to underachievement. The idea that how we interpret the World may be wrong seldom occurs. We find that those who have differing views of the World are the ones who are wrong, and in many instances, these same people are our enemies. The two differing perceptions each have an unmovable belief that their way is the only way the World works or should work. We respond to what we perceive and we behave accordingly. This results in many damaging and contentiuos relationships. In the extreme, War.

Fantasy of the ego is an effort to control reality in terms of our false egoic perceptions. The ego defends its treasure with automatic viciousness. The question becomes, “what is the treasure we must defend and how much does it really mean to us?”  The treasure, here, is the perceptions and accompaning belief system. This is the foundation of the egos existence, without which, it would loose its power and justification of purpose and place in our lives.

The fact the ego causes us so much pain and suffering in our lives should be a clue that this ego is no friend. The ego will claim love, but love is always maximal and can’t be conditioned on expectation, and the ego always expects and conditions. Similar to perfection, there is no degree of love. There is love or there is not.

We all seem to have varying degrees of tolerance for pain in our lives from the egoic actions of others and ourselves. In many cases the tolerance is very high, but it is not without limits. Eventually, everyone will recognize that there must be a better way to happiness, peace, and love. This realization becomes a turning point and reawakens the Spiritual search for many of those who have been disillusioned by the materialistic goals of the collective social ego. Once we see the truth of the ego’s deception, Its materialistic investment is weakened as is the justifications for the existence of the ego. Spirituality brings love and compassion into the “mix”.

The ego has no concept of love or compassion. Ego comes from a place of fear and doubt. Egocentricity always exists, simultaneously, with fear. The ego seeks alliances and never friendship. The alliances are only continued for as long as the subject of the alliance complies with the edicts and illusions of the ego. The ego is constantly attempting to confirm that you are as you “wish” to be rather than who you are. The ego will demand that “you” are responsible for what you or others do and how you behave and not for how or what you think. This is the ego’s method to limit the power you have been Graced with and to keep you in perpetual darkness.

In Truth, what you do comes from what you think. There are no idle thoughts. All thinking creates action or produces form at some level.

Questioning the ego is the very first step in undoing its control over you. The ego is stuck in the material World of the senses and emotions and can never advance or be illumined. Only our Minds and our belief systems are capable of advancement or illumination, and ultimately, our enlightenment.

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